"first they ignore you, then they threaten to sue you, then they deny the vulnerability, then you p0wn them" -- with apologies to Mahatma Gandhi
archimede:~$ file pocorgtfo04.pdf 
pocorgtfo04.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5


archimede:~$ unzip -v pocorgtfo04.pdf 
Archive:  pocorgtfo04.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo04.pdf]:  798586 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
error [pocorgtfo04.pdf]:  reported length of central directory is
  -798586 bytes too long (Atari STZip zipfile?  J.H.Holm ZIPSPLIT 1.1
  zipfile?).  Compensating...
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-24-14 18:56  00000000  bin2png/
    5010  Defl:X     1529  70%  06-24-14 18:56  5b458885  bin2png/bin2png.py
   18025  Defl:X     6802  62%  06-24-14 18:56  2bf94d82  bin2png/LICENSE
    1141  Defl:X      590  48%  06-24-14 18:56  bac8ea63  bin2png/README.md
  140413  Defl:X    54747  61%  06-24-14 18:56  a54b802b  darfsteller.txt
    2841  Defl:X     1340  53%  06-24-14 18:56  0ed7331f  gods.txt
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-24-14 18:56  00000000  lenticrypt/
   36445  Defl:X     7899  78%  06-24-14 18:56  b115a5b5  lenticrypt/lenticrypt.py
   18025  Defl:X     6802  62%  06-24-14 18:56  2bf94d82  lenticrypt/LICENSE
     776  Defl:X      388  50%  06-24-14 18:56  44837f8e  lenticrypt/README.md
    2709  Defl:X      697  74%  06-24-14 18:56  42af5a59  lenticrypt/test.py
 3111965  Defl:X  3112440   0%  06-24-14 18:56  bc6aa4f8  pocorgtfo.png
   25986  Defl:X    10749  59%  06-24-14 18:56  796d27c5  theveldt.txt
  239224  Defl:X   235980   1%  06-24-14 18:56  9e276d18  tsb-20140401.zip
26750864  Defl:X 26438160   1%  06-24-14 18:56  c0113904  pocorgtfo03.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
30353424         29878123   2% 

Surprise, 0x03 is included in 0x04, that's a classic by now and you can read the spoiler for 0x03 too!

As usual there is more...

archimede:~$ truecrypt --mount pocorgtfo04.pdf
[password is 123456]

That worked!

archimede:~$ cd /mnt/NO\ NAME
archimede:/mnt/NO NAME$ ls
archimede:/mnt/NO NAME$ file reverseme.bin 
reverseme.bin: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, comment: "%PDF-1.4"

Oh, this smells like another AngeMagic!

archimede:/mnt/NO NAME$ cp reverseme.bin /tmp/reverseme.jpg

... and we find
The image contained in the Truecrypt volume within the PoC||GTFO 0x04 PDF
but wait, what about the comment? The comment clearly says

and that smells... so
archimede:/mnt/NO NAME$ cp /tmp/reverseme.jpg /tmp/reverseme.pdf

and we obtain a valid PDF of the same image!

But there is more...

archimede:/mnt/NO NAME$ unzip -v /tmp/reverseme.pdf
Archive:  /tmp/reverseme.pdf


0 1
0000000000 65535 f
0000000010 00000 n


 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
   23110  Stored    23110   0%  00-00-80 00:00  67a0921c  reverseme.jpg
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   23110            23110   0%                            1 file

Ah, the greatness of Ange...